The Central Electric Railfans' Association depends on contributions from members like you to be able to put on the one-of-a-kind programs and publications it does throughout the course of the year.
Membership entitles you to receive CERA's books as a benefit of membership based on the year or years of membership required for the given book, as well as to purchase additional books at the special membership discount rate. All CERA members get free admission to our monthly program meetings.
Contributing and Sustaining members have the same rights and receive the same benefits as Active members. They help support CERA through their higher dues. The portion of those higher dues beyond the Active Membership level is deductible for income tax purposes as provided by law. Contributing and Sustaining members are further recognized by having their names published annually in the report to the membership.
Please note: Due to increased postage costs to mail our annual entitlement book internationally, there is a $30 surcharge for Canadian members and a $50 surcharge for International Active members.